Establishing my Roots

Hi Flower Friends!

I think it would be an understatement to say that it has been a while since I have posted a blog, but I truly didn’t know how else to communicate everything going on in my mind these days. From starting this floral business at the beginning of the pandemic to today, so much has changed in the world, and I truly believe that even more has changed within myself.

This business started out as a leap of faith - a belief that my passion and creativity could turn into a successful business… and by all traditional metrics, I have proven that belief to be true. I found my way to so many incredible couples and fellow small business owners. I worked my way out of flowering in my basement, into my very own studio space in German Village. I spent sleepless nights worrying and strategizing over the day(s) ahead and in the process put my very own sweat, tears, and sometimes even blood (not on purpose, of course) into my work. I am proud of all that I have accomplished with this little floral biz and the paths that have crossed because of it.

As I ventured further into owning this business and this stage of my life, a stage of self-discovery, I found that something was missing. While creating in flowers is inherently joyful, I wasn’t mentally prepared for how isolated my day to day would become. Long days and nights working at the studio alone with only my thoughts and lots of podcasts / audiobooks to keep me company. Waking up in the middle of the night worrying and hoping that what I had created was good enough - that I was good enough.

It has been a beautiful and wonderful journey in flowers, but I have found that just like a plant looking for a permanent hold within the ground, that my roots in the floral world had begun to feel unstable. This feeling led to a lot of self-exploration to better understand where it was coming from and ultimately led to the difficult decision to step away from the floral world. To be totally transparent, I am not certain what this time away will look like, but that’s the thing about trying to establish your roots, you never know where your footing will feel firm or when the timing will feel right.

Even though I am pressing “PAUSE” on Blümen, I’m not staying still for long. I am working right now on becoming more politically engaged, with the end goal of eventually running for political office. As I mentioned previously, I thrive off of human connection and while I’m not one to toot my own horn, I do feel like my empathy and compassion could be an asset within the government. The ability to connect with all different people and to serve my community feels like an exciting step into the woman I have become over the past 4+ years.

In addition to serving the community politically, I am also working on my very own clothing business with an emphasis on sustainability and size inclusivity. If you have enjoyed my floral creations, I hope you will stick around for this venture of mine as well.

I could go on and on - I truly love to yap… but I want to finish with one more thing - Thank YOU.

YOU believed in me to flower for your important life events / milestones

YOU invited me into your home in the form of fresh and dried floral arrangements

YOU allowed me to teach you how to arrange flowers and spread joy through your creations

YOU supported this little dream of mine, when the world felt so incredibly uncertain

YOU brought the dream of Blümen to life and for that, I will be forever grateful…

Until we flower together again…



Floral Foam Alternative